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ADA Complaints

Filing a Complaint

Submit by Mail to the following address:

Greater Peoria Mass Transit District/CityLink
Attn: Complaint Department
407 S.W. Adams Street
Peoria, IL  61602

Fax: (775) 416-9762  (Provide information described above)
Phone: (309) 679-8148 (Please speak clearly and provide important details, when using this method)

Submit in Person to the above address. (Hours of operation are Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm)

If Assistance is needed to complete the Complaint Form, please call (309) 679-8148 and a member of our staff will assist you.

A copy of the ADA Complaint Form may also be obtained by calling GPMTD Mobility Management office at (309) 679-8183. GPMTD will provide appropriate assistance to complainants who are limited in their ability to communicate in English.

What happens to my complaint when received by GPMTD?

Once a complaint is received, it will be reviewed by GPMTD’s Paratransit Manager. In instances where additional information is needed, they will contact the complainant by phone or in writing. Failure of the complainant to provide the requested information by a defined date may result in the administrative closure of the complaint or a delay in complaint resolution.

Based upon receipt of all the information required, GPMTD will investigate an ADA complaint within 30 days of receipt. GPMTD will use its best efforts to respond to a complaint within 60 days of receipt. Receipt of additional relevant information and/or simultaneous filing of complaint with GPMTD and an external entity may expand the timing of the complaint resolution.

The Paratransit Manager will review and investigate every complaint promptly. Reasonable measures will be taken to preserve any information that is confidential. At a minimum the Paratransit Manager will:

  • Identify and review all relevant documents, practices and procedures;
  • Identify and interview persons with knowledge of the ADA violation, e.g., the person making the complaint, witnesses or anyone identified by the complainant, anyone who may have been subject to similar activity or anyone with relevant information.

Upon completion of the investigation, The Paratransit Manager will complete a final report for the GPMTD General Manager. If a violation is found to exist, remedial steps as appropriate and necessary will be taken immediately. The complainant will also receive a final report including any remedial steps. The investigation process and final report should take no longer than 20 business days. If no violation is found and the complainant wishes to appeal the decision, he or she may appeal directly to:

Greater Peoria Mass Transit District
Attn: General Manager
2105 NE Jefferson Ave.
Peoria, IL 61603

The Paratransit Manager shall maintain a log of ADA complaints received, including date the complaint was filed, a summary of the allegations, the status of the complaint and actions taken by the GPMTD in response to the complaint. Should GPMTD receive a complaint in the form of a formal charge or lawsuit, the complaint will be forwarded to the GPMTD’s attorney.

Complaints may also be filed no later than 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination here: www.ada.gov/filing_complaint.htm

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