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Schedule A Trip

The simplest, most user-friendly mobile app giving you freedom to review and manage your personal
transportation needs. Web-based self-service scheduling, Ecolane’s mobile app gets you where you want when you want right from your own mobile phone.

Available now for both iOS and Android.

To Sign Up, please call Dispatch

What you need:

  • Passenger name
  • Person making request
  • Phone number
  • Email address to associate with the account

A member of management will contact you when account is activated

Rider Benefits

  • Flexibility to Manage Trips in Real-time
    Empowering you with direct access to review and manage your transportation needs. You can view both upcoming and recently completed trips.
  • Simple Mobile Interface
    Trip planning has never been so easier experience than with the Ecolane app. Reservations with a single tap, connected to the most powerful, industry leading schedule and dispatch platform that performs continuous real-time optimization.
  • Convenient Trip Details View
    Notication remind you of trip pick-up windows. When your vehicle is on its way, you are able to follow your bus on a visual map.
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