
CityLift paratransit service is a “safety net” for only those individuals who do not have the functional capability to use the fixed-route system. Disability alone does not qualify a person to ride the paratransit service under the American’s with Disabilities Act.
Who is eligible?
Any individual who has a disability or mutiple disabilities that result in the following may be eligible for CityLift paratransit service:
- Inability to get on a fixed-route bus.
- Inability to disembark from a fixed-route bus.
- Inability to get to or from or wait at a fixed-route bus stop.
What is the cost?
It costs $2.00 per trip or $4.00 roundtrip.
Where can individuals buy CityLift tickets?
CityLift Tickets are sold in person only at the CityLink locations below, but they can also be purchased online and by calling CityLink Customer Service at 309-676-4040.
Transit Center
407 SW Adams St
Peoria, Illinois 61602
Administrative Offices
2105 NE Jefferson Ave
Peoria, Illinois 61603
Hours of Operation
Peoria Area & East Peoria Routes
- Monday-Friday: 5:00 a.m. to 12:45 a.m.
- Saturday: 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
- Sunday: 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Pekin Routes
- Monday-Friday: 6:45 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- No Saturday or Sunday Service
What is the application process?
Persons who seek paratransit service must first obtain and complete an application. ADA application forms can be obtained upon request by:
- The Transit District will mail or fax an application to any person requesting it, by calling the Special Service office at 309-679-8183.
- Applications may also be obtained by visiting CityLink’s Transit Center at 407 SW Adams or CityLink’s Administration office at 2105 NE Jefferson
- You can also download an application online by clicking here.
What can you expect?
Once we have received your application, we will call you to schedule an evaluation. Transportation is provided to the evaluation and it is free of charge. You will be notfied of eligibility within 21 days.
For any questions call 309-679-8183 or to schedule a trip please call 309-999-3667.
This video is intended to be an alternative to the printed CityLift Rider’s Guide. A printed copy of the CityLift Rider’s Guide is provided to all qualified individuals once they receive their approval letter. The printed guide can also be viewed at the link below.
Download the printed CityLift Paratransit Rider’s Guide (Effective March 2023)
Application for CityLift Paratransit Services
Please note: At the end of the online form you must submit a statement from your physician on their prescription pad or official letterhead stating your disability or disabilities, which make you unable to use the fixed route and in their professional opinion believe you are eligible for CityLift services AND your downloaded and completed medical professional section will need to be attached.
Download Medical Professional Questionnaire
Instructions for mailing/faxing:
The form below is in the PDF format. You will need to use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and view the form. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader or another PDF reader software, you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader here.
- If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader, please click on the form below, and fill in the boxes.
- Once you have filled in the boxes, please print out the form, circle the appropriate selections, and sign and date the form.
- You may drop off the form to:
Attention: Carla Jackson
2105 NE Jefferson Ave.
Peoria, IL 61603
Or mail the form to:
Attention: Carla Jackson
407 SW Adams St.
Peoria, IL 61602
- If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader, please click on the form below and complete all requested information.
- Please sign and date the form.
- You may drop off or mail the form to:
Attention: Carla Jackson
407 SW Adams St.
Peoria, IL 61602
Download CityLift Application (PDF)
If you have any questions, please contact the Transportation Specialist at (309) 679-8183.
Once you have a completed application with physician statement and medical history attached; you may fax the application to: 775-416-9762.
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