Passenger Appreciation Day
CityLink will offer FREE RIDES on fixed route buses on April 19, 2024 for Jerome Lilly Passenger Appreciation Day!
CityLink has been celebrating Passenger Appreciation Day since April 20, 2008. This day is in honor of former CityLink General Manager Jerome Lilly, who passed away unexpectedly in 2007. He began his career at CityLink as a bus operator in 1986 and worked his way up to supervisor and Assistant General Manager, and then eventually to General Manager. Lilly had been employed at CityLink for over 19 years at the time of his passing. April 20 (or a nearby date if it falls on a weekend) was chosen as the date for Passenger Appreciation Day because it was Lilly’s birthday.
The downtown CityLink Transit Center was dedicated in Jerome Lilly’s honor on April 19, 2009.
Each year since the inaugural Passenger Appreciation Day in 2008, CityLink celebrates its passengers that day by offering free rides on all fixed route buses and having a special giveaway item available at the Transit Center. This year, giveaways will be available on April 19, 2024, from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m., while supplies lasts.
Passenger Appreciation Day is an opportunity to thank passengers for their continued loyalty and to honor a man who dedicated his professional life to CityLink.

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