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Passenger Link – July 2020

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COVID-19 Information

The health and safety of passengers and employees continues to be the top priority for CityLink/GPMTD duringthe current COVID-19/ coronavirus health crisis. Essential workers and passengers needing access to essential services rely on public transportation. CityLink was able to resume full bus service on June 29, 2020 once Governor Pritzger moved the state into Phase 3 of the Restore Illinois re-opening plan. With the health and safety of passengers and employees in mind, the following changes have been implemented since mid-March:

  • 7/6/2020 — CityLink releases statement on maintenance employee testing positive for COVID-19.
    • The employee did not have any direct contact with bus operators, other employees who have direct contact with the public or with the general public. CityLink is continuing protocols to sanitize and deep clean all vehicles and facilities daily with EPA approved products recommended by the CDC.
  • 6/23/2020 — CityLink is fully resumed regularly scheduled fixed route bus service operating hours effective June 29,
    • This includes weekday, Saturday and Sunday service.
    • The Transit Center lobby remains closed to the public until further notice.
    • The suspension of fare collection continues until further notice. (Passengers are not required to pay a fare.)
    • Passengers continue to be required to wear a face mask or an alternative protective face covering prior to boarding,
      while riding all transportation services and/or while at the Transit Center facility.
  • 4/8/2020 — In accordance with CDC recommendations, GPMTD requires all passengers to wear a face mask or an
    alternative protective face covering while riding all transportation services and/or while at the Transit Center until further
  • 3/31/2020 — Posted the flyer on the buses and at the Transit Center requesting passengers to refrain from riding if they are sick or display symptoms associated with COVID-19.
  • 3/21/2020 — Posted signage/flyers on buses asking all non-ADA passengers to enter and exit through the rear door, adhere to social distancing guidelines, and a notice regarding the suspension of collecting fares.
  • 3/18/2020 — Transit Center lobby is closed to the public until further notice
  • 3/17/2020 — GPMTD suspended fare collection on all transportation services until further notice as a precautionary measure to eliminate the physical contact required between the operator and passengers.
    • Customer Service window transactions are suspended at the Transit Center and Admin office until further notice.
    • Obtainment of Benefit Access/Half-fare/Paratransit Rider IDs is suspended until further notice and the office is closed to the public.
  • 3/13/2020 — CityLink shares its initial response to the COVID-19/coronavirus disease outbreak.
    • Taking extra precautionary measures to help reduce the spread of COVID-19/coronavirus disease.
    • All CityLink buses and facilities are being sanitized and deep cleaned daily with EPA approved products recommended by the CDC and the Peoria City/County Health Department.

While this continues to be an evolving situation, CityLink/GPMTD will endeavor to make decisions that are in the best interest of passengers and employees. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these difficult times. Visit www.ridecitylink.org/covid19 for the latest COVID-19 updates and news from CityLink/GPMTD.

Thank You to Essential Workers

The past few months have been tough, and the management and staff at CityLink have been faced with making difficult decisions. The health and safety of employees and passengers has always  been and will continue to be the top priority when making these decisions. CityLink would like to thank all passengers for complying with our requirement to wear a face covering. You are helping
to protect yourselves, fellow passengers, and CityLink employees.

CityLink would also like to thank all ESSENTIAL WORKERS for your dedication during the COVID-19 health crisis!CityLink is currently running an Essential Worker Thank You commercial video thanking its own essential workers. Bus operators, operations supervisors, maintenance employees, customer service, security officers, and administrative staff have all worked together throughout the current pandemic to ensure the Greater Peoria area continues to have access to safe, clean, and dependable public transportation.

Below are some behind-the-scenes photos taken during the Essential Worker Thank You commercial shoot on May 28, 2020.

CityLink Celebrates 50th Anniversary

GPMTD/CityLink is officially celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2020. On May 4, 1970, residents of the City of Peoria, Village of Peoria Heights and West Peoria Township voted to form the Greater Peoria Mass Transit District (GPMTD). The federal government gave Peoria a grant to purchase new buses (33 to start). GPMTD provided 667,142 passenger rides during the first year. GPMTD Board Chair Art Bell re-read the following proclamation at the May 4, 2020 GPMTD Board of Trustees meeting that was read by City of Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis at the April 28, 2020 City Council meeting:

  • WHEREAS, on May 4, 1970 residents of the City of Peoria, Village of Peoria Heights and West Peoria Township voted to form the Greater Peoria Mass Transit District (CityLink); and
  • WHEREAS, for the past 50 years has served the Greater Peoria Area with convenient, safe and affordable bus service; and
  • WHEREAS, with a current fixed route fleet of 53 buses, CityLink has been a continual source of economic growth for the Peoria region; and
  • WHEREAS, CityLink provides a vital service to an annual ridership of over 2.5 million; and
  • WHEREAS, the Greater Peoria Mass Transit District also provides paratransit services with CityLift and rural transportation services with CountyLink;
  • NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jim Ardis, Mayor of the City of Peoria, Illinois, do hereby proclaim April 28, 2020 as CITYLINK 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION DAY in Peoria, Illinois.
Photo Courtesy of Melvin Bernero
Photo courtesy of Melvin Bernero.
Photo courtesy of GPMTD.

A proclamation in honor of the GPMTD/CityLink 50th Anniversary was also read by Representative Cheri Bustos on the U.S. Congressional House Floor on May 4, 2020

Be sure to visit www.ridecitylink.org/50th-anniversary to view the CityLink 50th Anniversary video series.

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