Passenger Link – January 2021
COVID-19 Update
CityLink/GPMTD resumed fare collection on all transportation services beginning on Monday, January 4, 2021
Passengers of CityLink fixed route bus service, CityLift paratransit service and CountyLink rural transportation service now need to pay a fare to ride.
CityLink/GPMTD resumed fare collection on all transportation services beginning on Monday, January 4, 2021
Passengers of CityLink fixed route bus service, CityLift paratransit service and CountyLink rural transportation service now need to pay a fare to ride.

The Transit Center facility lobby (407 SW Adams) reopened to the public on Monday, January 4, 2021.
- Customer Service window transactions resumed at the CityLink Transit Center and Administrative office (2105 NE Jefferson Ave.) on January 4, 2021. Customer Service Hours are as follows:
- Monday-Friday: 6:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.
- Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
- Sunday: 10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Utility payments and Burlington Trailways ticket sales at the Transit Center are still suspended until further notice.
- Social distancing inside the Transit Center lobby is being enforced, and face masks or alternative protective face coverings continue to be required while riding all GPMTD transportation services and/or while at the Transit Center or CityLink Administrative office.
- There is a limit of 25 people allowed inside the Transit Center lobby at a time and the lobby now closes at 10:00 P.M. Monday-Saturday.
Any 30-Day Passes that were activated when the suspension of fare collection began (March 17, 2021) will be reissued.
• Passengers need to bring their expired pass to the Transit Center during normal business hours to get a new pass at the Customer Service windows.
• The reissuing of passes is valid on the 30-Day Pass only.
Obtainment of Benefit Access/Half-fare/Paratransit Rider IDs will also resume on the second floor of the Transit Center by appointment only on January 4, 2021.
- All Benefit Access/Half-fare/Paratransit Rider IDs that expired in 2020 will be honored until May 1, 2021.
- To schedule an appointment or for more information, please call Carla at 309-679-8183.
CityLink continues to sanitize and deep clean all vehicles and facilities with EPA approved products recommended by the CDC daily.
2021 Peoria Historical Calendar Features Restaurants
The 2021 Peoria Historical Calendar is now available! This year, the calendar features vintage photographs of local restaurants and eateries found over the years in Peoria. Many of the establishments featured in the calendar are no longer in existence but seeing these images will bring back delicious memories of some of the best places residents and visitors could enjoy a tasty meal or treat. The photographs and content for this year’s calendar were provided by the Peoria Historical Society and Bradley University Special Collections Center Michael Seghetti, and Daryl Klusendorf.

The 2021 Peoria Historical Calendar is available for a suggested donation of $5.00 at the CityLink Transit Center (407 SW Adams) and the CityLink Administrative Office (2105 NE Jefferson). All proceeds collected will be donated to the Peoria Friendship House of Christian Service.
Stuff-A-Bus Food Drive Results
The 33rd Annual Stuff-A-Bus food drive took place virtually from October 23, 2020 to December 1, 2020. The goal was to collect $10,000 in monetary donations for the purchase of non-perishable food for the food pantry at the Peoria Friendship House of Christian Service.

A grand total of $17,393 in monetary donations were collected during the 2020 food drive. The virtual bus was over 173% filled and went well over the $10,000 goal!
Kroger has been the grocery store partner for Stuff-A-Bus for many years. Cumulus Radio, WYZZ Fox 43, WMBD CBS 31 and are the media partners in this food drive. The Amalgamated Transit Union Local #416 is also a long-time participating sponsor of Stuff-A-Bus.
To everyone who contributed in any way: THANK YOU! Without the support of the community, the Stuff-A-Bus food drive would not be the success it has been for the past 33 years, and especially with the challenges of 2020.
Visit the Stuff-A-Bus Facebook page at for more info and photos from this year’s campaign.
GPMTD Begins Partnership with Transdev for CityLift/CountyLink
The Greater Peoria Mass Transit District (GPMTD) entered into a partnership with Transdev for the management and operations of its CityLift paratransit service and CountyLink rural transportation service effective December 1, 2020.

This is the first time that the CityLift and CountyLink services are combined under the same contract and reaping the benefits of efficiencies shared between the two contracts.
Transdev signed a five-year contract and are managing the reservations, scheduling, dispatch, service delivery, operations and maintenance aspects of this contract with the support of 50 vehicles and 80 employees.
CityLink 50th Anniversary
CityLink route and schedule information, along with a GPS bus tracker will be available on the myStop® app in early 2021! If you’d like to take a look at the myStop® app in advance, it is available to download in the Apple Store & Google Play Store, although CityLink’s info isn’t available on it quite yet.
This project has been underway for the past several months with Avail Technologies, and in addition to the myStop® app, there will be a dedicated page on the CityLink website to track buses and for trip planning. SMS (Short Message Service)/text notifications are also a part of this project. Each bus stop will have an identifying number that will help passengers know what stop they’re at. More info on these exciting new services will be shared in the coming months!

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