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Passenger Link – January 2020

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New Director of Maintenance and Director of Procurement

CityLink recently announced the promotion of Steve Green as the Director of Maintenance and the addition of Jamie Arbogast as the Director of Procurement.

Steve Green, Director of Maintenance

Steve Green

Green is a U.S. Army veteran and a 27-year veteran of the Peoria Police Department. He first joined CityLink as a Security Officer in 2008 and continued in that capacity until his retirement from the Peoria Police Department in 2015. Green became the Director of Safety & Security at CityLink in March 2015. In this role, he was responsible for overseeing video surveillance for all facilities and buses; maintaining the building and facility security systems and alarms; and managing the District’s risk management program.

In Green’s new role as the Director of Maintenance at CityLink, he is primarily responsible for overseeing the day-to-day activities of the fixed route fleet and Maintenance Department.

Jamie Arbogast, Director of Procurement

Jamie Arbogast

Arbogast is a Western Illinois University graduate, earning a bachelor’s degree in Finance. She previously worked at CityLink from 2011 to 2016 in the Finance Department. She also worked at Widmer Interiors for 1 ½ years as an Order Analyst and an Accountant.

In Arbogast’s return to CityLink as the Director of Procurement, she is primarily responsible for coordinating the District’s purchasing and procurement procedures and serving as the District’s Federal Grant writer.

2020 Peoria Historical Calendar Features Transportation

The 2020 Peoria Historical Calendar is now available! This year, the calendar features photographs of various modes of transportation found in the Peoria area over the years. The theme was selected in conjunction and celebration of the Greater Peoria Mass Transit District (GPMTD)/CityLink 50th Anniversary in 2020. The photographs for this year’s calendar were provided by the Peoria Historical Society and Bradley University Special Collections Center. The historical content for each page was provided by the Bradley University Special Collections Center and the Peoria Public Library.

The 2020 Peoria Historical Calendar is available for a suggested donation of $5.00 at the CityLink Transit Center (407 SW Adams) and the CityLink Administrative Office (2105 NE Jefferson). All proceeds collected will be donated to the Peoria Friendship House of Christian Service.

CityLink 50th Anniversary

CityLink/GPMTD is celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2020! To celebrate this milestone anniversary, a new logo will be used throughout the year. A new sign has also been installed at the CityLink Admin/Garage facilities at 2105 NE Jefferson (See the photo at left of CityLink GM Doug Roelfs with the new sign).

Stay tuned for information on events and news regarding CityLink’s 50th Anniversary!

CityLink, Celebrating 50 Years of Moving Forward.

Bus 1206 filled with 7.5 tons of non-perishable food donations.

Stuff-A-Bus Food Drive Results

The 32nd Annual Stuff-A-Bus food drive to benefit the Peoria Friendship House of Christian Service officially wrapped up on Tuesday, December 3. The campaign began on October 24 and concluded with a press conference at the Peoria Friendship House of Christian Service to announce the total weight of the bus filled with the food collected during the campaign.

The total weight of donations collected during this year’s Stuff-A-Bus food drive totaled 14,990 pounds or 7.5 tons.

Cumulus Radio, WYZZ Fox 43, WMBD CBS 31 and CIPROUD.com were media partners in this food drive. The Amalgamated Transit Union Local #416 is also a long-time participating sponsor of Stuff-A-Bus.

A huge thank you to the Peoria Rivermen and Peoria Mustangs hockey teams for helping unload the food from the bus and sort the food at Peoria Friendship House.

To all CityLink passengers who contributed to this year’s food drive: THANK YOU! Without you, the Stuff-A-Bus food drive would not be the success it has been for the past 32 years.

Transit Center Remodel Update

The first phase of the Transit Center remodel was completed in December 2019. This includes the driver’s breakroom, Customer Service office, and that half of the lobby.

The next phase is currently under construction and it includes the renovation of the other half of the lobby, the Security office, public restrooms, and the Benefit Access/Burlington Trailways office area on the upper level. Below is information on office relocations during this phase of the project:

  • Carla Jackson has been temporarily relocated to the CityLink Admin office (2105 NE Jefferson).
    The hours to obtain a Benefit Access/Half-Fare ID remain the same: Tu/W/Th 9 am-12 pm & 1 pm-4 pm
  • The Security office has been temporarily relocated in the Customer Service office area.
  • The Burlington Trailways ticket office has been temporarily relocated to the open side of the Transit Center lobby near the Customer Service office area.
  • There are currently portable bathrooms available outside the building.

Peoria Charter Coach is continuing to pick up on the Harrison side of the building during this project.

Thank you for your patience as we make improvements to these facilities!

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