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GPMTD Extends Transportation Pilot Paratransit Service with City of Washington

The Greater Peoria Mass Transit District (GPMTD) is extending the six-month pilot paratransit service in the City of Washington for their underserved urban area effective on February 1, 2023. The City of Washington was approved to continue funding this project, and it is also partially being funded by section 5310 Transportation Assistance Grant Program from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant that is funneled through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and allocated and dispersed by the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (TCRPC). The funds from the previous six-month pilot were not exhausted, which allowed for the extension of service.  The GPMTD paratransit service, CityLift, will continue to operate this service for individuals aged 18 to 59 based on their mobility challenges and disability.

Individuals needing this service are still required to complete and submit a simple two-page application to Washington Township that requires a medical professional to sign off verifying their handicap and need for paratransit service.  Similar service for persons aged 60 and older is available through Central Illinois Agency on Aging, which can be reached at 309-674-2071.

“We are pleased that funding is available to continue this pilot project to provide CityLift door-to-door paratransit service within the Washington urban area.  It is our goal to grow the number of passengers using this service to increase the probability of receiving additional funding to continue offering the service beyond the next 12 months.”

CityLink General Manager Doug Roelfs.

This pilot paratransit service will be evaluated to determine the feasibility and demand to continue providing the service.

Rates to Ride (Updated Effective 2/1/2023)

Current rates to ride as Washington residents are as follows:

  • Rides within the Washington Urban Map Area are $2.00 each way for residents.
  • Washington residents that are approved for CityLift service may ride CityLift for $2.00 one way in all areas that are covered by fixed route.
    • Disabled riders in the Sunnyland area who are already qualified to ride with CityLift can fill out a Washington Rider application and send it to Washington Township to be eligible to ride to the Washington Urban Area for $2.00 each way.
  • Personal Care Assistants ride for free with the transit client.
  • Fare is cash (correct change only) or CityLift tickets may be purchased at CityLink Transit Center or administrative office for books of 10 for $20.00, or online at www.ridecitylink.org/fares/buy-online.

Scheduling a Ride

  • All rides must be scheduled at least one-day in advance, more notice is better.
  • To schedule a ride, contact CityLift at 309-999-3667.
  • Your application must be on file and approved to ride the CityLift paratransit service.

Service Availability

The Washington Urban Paratransit Service operates 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday with the final pick-up, by no later than 5:30 p.m. There is no service on recognized holidays on which GPMTD does not provide service.  Pick-up and drop-off times must take place within those hours to meet paratransit service availability.


For questions, please contact Washington Township at 309-444-2987.  The required documents can be mailed to 58 Valley Forge Drive, Washington, IL 61571, sent via fax to 309-444-3944 or sent electronically to washingtontwp@gmail.com.

To find out more information about Washington, Illinois CityLift service, please visit www.ci.washington.il.us,  www.toi.org/township/tazewell-county-washington or www.facebook.com/CityofWashingtonIL.  Information is also available on the CityLink website at www.ridecitylink.org/about/citylift/washington-service.

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