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GPMTD Hosted Public Hearing for IDOT Consolidated Vehicle Procurement 2022 on April 22, 2022

For the purpose of considering a project for which 5 medium duty 14 passenger CountyLink vehicles are being sought from the Illinois Department of Transportation general authority described as follows:

  1. Greater Peoria Mass Transit District requests from IDOT Consolidated Vehicle Procurement assistance to provide federal capital funding to replace, rehabilitate and purchase ADA accessible transit and paratransit vehicles. IDOT administers appropriations for funding of projects in non-urbanized/rural areas through the Consolidated Vehicle Procurement (CVP) program.
  2. Comprehensive planning for this project is in conformance with comprehensive transportation planning in the area.
  3. At the hearing, GPMTD will afford an opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social economic environmental aspects of the project, interested persons may submit orally or in writing, evidence and recommendations with respect to said project.
  • WHAT: Public Hearing for IDOT Consolidated Vehicle Procurement 2022
  • WHEN: Friday, April 22, 2022
  • WHERE: Held Virtually on Microsoft Teams
    • Contact ShamRA Robinson
    • Phone: 309-679-8139
    • Email: srobinson

Documents from Public Hearing

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