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CityLink to Host New Round of CityLink on the Move Public Meetings in November

In 2019, CityLink completed a detailed study of its entire fixed route bus system, called CityLink on the Move. The study reviewed current routes, schedules, and ridership. CityLink also gathered feedback from the community through a rider survey, outreach at the Transit Center and hosted several public meetings. The outcome of the study was a five-year plan to improve and expand bus service. CityLink is preparing to implement the first phase of the plan in March 2022 and it is hosting public meetings to share information and receive feedback from the public on the proposed improvements. Visit www.citylinkonthemove.org for more information and details on CityLink on the Move.

Face masks/coverings are required to be worn at all in-person public meetings. Anyone not complying with wearing a face mask/covering will be asked to leave the meeting.

Meeting dates/times/locations:

Virtual Meeting Options

In-Person Meeting Options

Online Survey

  • There is an online survey option for those unable to attend the virtual or in-person public meetings. This brief survey is available until December 1, 2021 at: www.surveymonkey.com/r/CityLink2021
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