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CityLink and the Peoria Zoo Partnering in August to Offer Passengers Free Entry Opportunity

CityLink and the Peoria Zoo are partnering for the month of August to offer a free entry opportunity for CityLink, CityLift and CountyLink passengers who present a bus pass or ticket for one of these services.  Passengers simply show their bus pass/ticket at the zoo’s admission desk to gain free general entry to the Peoria Zoo and its exhibits. One bus pass/ticket is required per adult. This free entry promotion does not include the costs for giraffe or budgie feedings.

“Riding local public transportation gets you free entry to the Peoria Zoo in the month of August.  We are excited to partner with our great local zoological and conservation institution that is part of the Peoria Park District.  Community partnerships like this provide an added benefit to being a passenger of the transportation services we offer.”

CityLink General Manager Doug Roelfs

Below is the list of accepted bus passes/tickets:

  • CityLink Day Pass – $3 per pass
    • Offers unlimited fixed route rides for one complete service day
  • CityLink 30-Day Pass – $40 per pass
    • Offers unlimited fixed route rides for 30 consecutive service days
  • CityLift Ticket – $2 per ticket
    • Offers one ride on the paratransit service and this service requires eligibility to ride
  • CountyLink/CAUSE Ticket – $6 per ticket
    • Offers one ride on the rural transportation service and this service requires that a trip begin or end in the rural part of Peoria County

“As a conservation organization, the Peoria Zoo is excited to partner with CityLink.  Using public transportation is a great way to show you care about the environment. As an educational organization, the zoo is happy to share all we have to offer with as many community members as possible.”

Peoria Zoo Director Yvonne Strode

Current admission prices for the Peoria Zoo are $11.50 for adults aged 13 and over, $10.50 for seniors aged 65+ and active military, $8.25 for children aged 2-12 and free for children aged one and under.  The Peoria Zoo is open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with the last admission time at 4:30 p.m.  For information on the zoo, please call 309-686-3365 or visit www.peoriazoo.org.

There will be additional free entry opportunities for CityLink, CityLift and CountyLink passengers at the Caterpillar Visitors Center in October and the Peoria Riverfront Museum in December.  More information on these partnerships will be shared in the coming months.

The Peoria Zoo is located in Glen Oak Park at 2320 N. Prospect Rd, Peoria, IL 61603.  There is close access to Glen Oak Park and the Peoria Zoo on the #12 Heights CityLink fixed route.  For questions regarding CityLink, CityLift or CountyLink services, please call 309-676-4040 or visit www.ridecitylink.org.

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