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CityLink Participates in New Peoria Chiefs Video

CityLink will be featured in a video during all of the Peoria Chiefs home games for the 2019 season! As the long-time sponsor of the Chiefs’ mascot, Homer, CityLink was invited to participate in the video, which features Homer playing catch at Dozer Park, and the ball ends up getting thrown over the fence. Thankfully, Homer is able to catch a CityLink bus and pick up the ball down at the Transit Center! Thank you to bus operator, Bruce DePinto, for driving the bus and providing Homer with a safe and comfortable ride that day!

Homer catches a ride on a CityLink bus!
Not only was Homer happy a CityLink bus was conveniently available to help him catch up to the ball, he felt safe while riding the bus!
Homer poses for a photo with bus operator Bruce DePinto

Another fun part of that day was including a Manual Academy student, Tyronda Wilson, who was job shadowing CityLink Director of Marketing Emily Watson. Tyronda is a part of the local non-profit organization called Girls Light Our Way.

Emily Watson from CityLink with Homer and Manual Academy student Tyronda Wilson during the video shoot.
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