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CityLink on the Move Update

Nelson\Nygaard and Frontline Co. facilitated six community outreach activities on June 11-12 at various locations within the CityLink service area to obtain feedback on proposed route network changes and potential transit investments as part of the CityLink on the Move transit study.

Public outreach at the Transit Center on June 11.

Meeting materials at these meetings consisted of the following:

  • Project overview poster board
  • Current route network poster board
  • Proposed route network poster board
  • Service investments poster board (sticker exercise)
  • Flipchart easel for open-ended comments

City Councilwoman and CityLink liaison Beth Jensen attended one of the Open House Public Meetings on June 12.

In addition to feedback gathered during these Open House Meetings, comments were also obtained from online surveys. The feedback gathered from these surveys included:

You can view the proposed route network and more information on this study at the CityLink on the Move page of our website. Please keep in mind that the proposed changes have not been approved and are still subject to change. If you have questions or comments, please contact Joe Alexander at jalexander@ridecitylink.org.

Nelson\Nygaard will be presenting their findings and suggestions at the September 9, 2019 GPMTD Board of Trustees meeting.

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