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CityLink to Celebrate Jerome Lilly Passenger Appreciation Day on April 20, 2022

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Jerome Lilly

On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, CityLink will celebrate its 13th Annual Passenger Appreciation Day to honor Jerome Lilly by providing free rides to passengers all day on CityLink fixed route buses, CityLift paratransit vehicles and CountyLink rural transportation vehicles. This is the inaugural inclusion of CityLift and CountyLink passengers. Lilly, a beloved General Manager of CityLink, passed away unexpectedly in 2007. Passenger Appreciation Day is observed on April 20 (or a nearby date if it falls on a weekend) in honor of Lilly’s birthday anniversary. The downtown CityLink Transit Center was dedicated in Jerome Lilly’s honor on April 19, 2009.

“We are pleased to include our CityLift and CountyLink passengers for Lilly Passenger Appreciation Day for the first time this year. We want to take this opportunity to thank all of our passengers for their patience, support and loyalty while we endeavor to make improvements to the services we provide.”

CityLink General Manager Doug Roelfs

Earth Day is just two days later, on Friday, April 22, 2022. Since its beginnings in 1970, nearly 200 countries across the world participate in Earth Day to promote a clean environment for generations to come. Passenger Appreciation Day on April 20 is a great opportunity to ride a CityLink bus and become more familiar with the service. Riding the bus is also an environmentally friendly transportation option. All CityLink fuel powered buses use B20 biodiesel fuel and they are Tier 4 Emission Certified with Cummins Engines, which means they emit cleaner air than they take in. In addition, CityLink has four diesel-electric hybrid buses in its fleet, and it is adding three battery-electric buses to its fleet this year. Passenger Appreciation Day is a chance for individuals who may not normally ride the bus to enjoy a free, safe and comfortable ride to their destination and do their part to participate in Earth Day by choosing CityLink.

For information regarding CityLink service and routes, please call 676-4040 or visit the Schedules & Route page of this website.

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