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CityLink Features Employees in New Commercial

CityLink management, employees, and board members, along with CityLift employees, were recently featured in a new TV commercial thanking essential workers for their dedication to providing clean and safe public transportation during the COVID-19 health crisis. While we couldn’t include all of our employees, we were able to feature various aspects of our business, and would like to thank the employees who volunteered to participate. We know that being on camera is not everyone’s favorite thing! Below are some behind-the-scenes photos from the video shoot. You can also watch the full video below.

CityLink Assistant General Manager Nick Standefer says “thank you” to our essential workers.
GPMTD Board Trustee Joan Krupa also says “thank you” to our essential workers.
Maintenance utility worker Aramis Jackson cleans the interior of a CityLink bus during the video shoot.
Maintenance utility worker Jason Calligan cleans a bench outside of the Transit Center during the video shoot.
Customer Service Representative Charles Mays answers a phone call during the video shoot.
CityLift driver Chandra Freeman operates the wheelchair lift on a CityLift vehicle during the video shoot.

We one again say THANK YOU to all essential workers, but especially to our own, for continuing to provide the Greater Peoria Area with a public transportation system they can rely on.

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