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CityLink and the Caterpillar Visitors Center Partnering in October to Offer Passengers Free Entry Opportunity

CityLink and the Doug Oberhelman Caterpillar Visitors Center are partnering for the month of October to offer a free entry opportunity for CityLink, CityLift and CountyLink passengers who present a bus pass or ticket for one of these services.  Passengers simply show their bus pass/ticket at the visitors center admission desk to gain free general entry to the Caterpillar Visitors Center and its exhibits. One bus pass/ticket is required per adult, and children ages 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

“Riding local public transportation gets you free entry to the Caterpillar Visitors Center in the month of October.  We are looking forward to our passengers having the opportunity to visit this great local institution that offers interactive exhibits and a look into the rich history Caterpillar has had in our region and beyond.  Community partnerships like this provide an added benefit to being a passenger of the transportation services we offer.”

Doug Roelfs, CityLink General Manager

Below is the list of accepted bus passes/tickets:  

  • CityLink Day Pass – $3 per pass
    • Offers unlimited fixed route rides for one complete service day
  • CityLink 30-Day Pass – $40 per pass
    • Offers unlimited fixed route rides for 30 consecutive service days
  • CityLift Ticket – $2 per ticket
    • Offers one ride on the paratransit service and this service requires eligibility to ride
  • CountyLink/CAUSE Ticket – $6 per ticket
    • Offers one ride on the rural transportation service and this service requires that a trip begin or end in the rural part of Peoria County

“The Caterpillar Visitors Center is not only a great source of family entertainment for our community, but also a place where our youngest can dream big and see themselves as a future Cat equipment operator or engineer. We pride ourselves on being an accessible resource for the people of Peoria, and this community partnership with CityLink is another great way to accomplish that,”

Henry Vicary, Director, Caterpillar Guest and Community Relations

Current admission prices for the Caterpillar Visitors Center are $7.00 for general admission, $6.00 for seniors aged 55+, veterans and active military. Children aged 12 and under are free (limit of 4 children per 1 adult ticket). The Caterpillar Visitors Center is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with the last entry at 3:30 p.m.  For information on the visitors center, please call 309-675-0606 or go to www.visitcaterpillar.com.  

There will be an additional free entry opportunity for CityLink, CityLift and CountyLink passengers at the Peoria Riverfront Museum in December.  More information on this partnership will be shared soon.  

The Caterpillar Visitors Center is located at 110 SW Washington Street, Peoria, IL 61602.  It is a short five-minute walk from the CityLink Transit Center, located at 407 SW Adams, and there is close access to the visitors center on the #2 North Adams and #4 Sheridan CityLink fixed routes.  For questions regarding CityLink, CityLift or CountyLink services, please call 309-676-4040 or visit www.ridecitylink.org.

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