Build Peoria 2019 Chili Cookoff Raises $25,000
Build Peoria is a local non-profit working to “Build” Peoria into a better place. This year the community voted on their project for 2019 and it was to build more CityLink bus shelters throughout the community. They are currently raising money and hope to build multiple shelters. On Sunday, September 22, Build Peoria hosted their 3rd Annual Chili Cookoff at Dozer Park. All proceeds collected will be used to build bus shelters.
There were 12 restaurants that participated in this year’s Chili Cookoff, and two of them brought their best mac and cheese recipes.

The winners of the chili cookoff were from The Chef and The Baker.

The mac and cheese challenge winners were from Untamed Chef.
CityLink Board Trustees and staff members attended the event that raised a total of $25,000. It costs approximately $15,000 to build one shelter. With the money raised at the chili cookoff, Build Peoria almost has enough to build two shelters! But, they’re hoping to do even more. They will be hosting some upcoming events to raise more money to build additional bus shelters. You can also donate directly via PayPal.

CityLink AGM Angel Marinich and Director of Marketing Emily Watson at the Chili Cookoff.

Build Peoria’s President Nick Yates doing an interview with WMBD/WYZZ TV at the Chili Cookoff.
Make sure to “like” the Build Peoria Facebook page to stay up to date on their events and progress. You can also view live videos from the chili cookoff on the CityLink Facebook page.
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