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CityLink Adjusting East Peoria Routes & Pekin Connector Route Effective on March 5, 2023

In preparation for the Bob Michel Bridge closure that is currently scheduled to begin on March 13, 2023, CityLink is making temporary adjustments to its three fixed routes with service into and through East Peoria effective on March 5, 2023.  The routes affected include the #8 East Peoria Sunnyland, #20 ICC Express and #23 Pekin Connector. 

The route that will be the most impacted is the #20 ICC Express.  Access to the Illinois Central College East Peoria Campus will only be available with hourly shuttle service; however, the #20 ICC Express route will run regular service in East Peoria with the route ending at the Par-A-Dice.  Below is an outline of important information for each route.

#8 East Peoria Sunnyland

OUTBOUND from the Transit Center

  • The #8 Sunnyland will take I-74 from the Transit Center to East Peoria and run its regular outbound route. No stops will be missed.

INBOUND to the Transit Center

  • The #8 Sunnyland will leave Washington Plaza at its normal time and run its regular route, then take I-74 back to the Transit Center. No stops will be missed.

#8 Route will cover stops on Washington missed by #23 Pekin Connector Route

#20 ICC Express Route & #20 ICC Shuttle

OUTBOUND from the Transit Center

  • The #20 ICC Express will continue to run on its current schedule. It will take I-74 from the Transit Center to Walmart, then go to the Par-A-Dice where the outbound route ends.
  • The new #20 ICC Shuttle will leave the Transit Center at :15 past each hour, take I-74 to East Peoria, then go to the ICC Campus. It will service all stops in between except the Par-A-Dice.

INBOUND to the Transit Center

  • The #20 ICC Express will leave Walmart at its regular time and go to the Par-A-Dice (servicing all stops in between), then take I-74 back to the Transit Center.
  • The new #20 ICC Shuttle will leave the ICC Campus at :45 past each hour, go to the Par-A-Dice (servicing all stops in between), then take I-74 back to the Transit Center.
  • To save time, passengers on the inbound ICC shuttle can catch the #20 regular route bus that goes to Wal-Mart from the Par-A-Dice

#20 ICC Shuttle Flyer

Only the shuttle service outlined above is available to the ICC campus during the bridge closure.

#20 ICC Inbound Shuttle Routing – ICC to Transit Center:

#20 ICC Outbound Shuttle Routing – Transit Center to ICC:

#20 ICC Express Inbound Routing – Par-A-Dice to Transit Center:

#20 ICC Express Outbound Routing – Transit Center to Par-A-Dice:

#23 Pekin Connector

OUTBOUND from the Transit Center

  • The #23 Pekin Express will leave the Transit Center at its regular times, but it will take the Cedar Street Bridge across the river. The outbound stops in East Peoria near CAT, Holiday Inn and Altorfer Equipment will not be serviced during the detour.
  • Passengers going to Pekin from East Peoria will need to catch the inbound #8 Sunnyland at any of its regular stops on Washington Street. The bus will take I-74 back to the Transit Center, where passengers may board the outbound #23 Pekin/Peoria Express.
  • OUTBOUND stops missed (covered by #8 East Peoria Sunnyland Route):
    • Cat CV (Stop ID: 2308)
    • Washington and Holiday (Stop ID: 2309)
    • Holiday Inn (Stop ID: 8350)
    • Clocktower & Richland (Stop ID not yet assigned)

INBOUND from Pekin

  • The #23 Pekin Connector will leave the Tazewell County Courthouse at its regular times, but it will take the Cedar Street Bridge across the river. The inbound stops in East Peoria near CEFCU and the Clocktower will not be serviced during the detour.
  • Passengers going to East Peoria will need to ride to the Transit Center to catch the outbound #8 Sunnyland. 
  • INBOUND stops missed (covered by #8 East Peoria Sunnyland Route):
    • Edmond & Richmond (Stop ID: 2306)
    • Clocktower (Stop ID: 8301)
    • Cat Ad (Stop ID: 8310)

Regular service through Creve Coeur, North Pekin, and into Pekin to the Tazewell County Courthouse.

This temporary routing structure will be monitored and modified to meet passengers’ needs.  The Bob Michel Bridge closure and construction work is expected to last through mid-November 2023.  CityLink plans to evaluate the temporary routing structure of these routes continuously and as the project is nearing completion.

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