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CityLink Bus Passes Offer Affordable Transportation

Back-To-School time has arrived! Most college students are trying to find ways to save money and using CityLink is an affordable transportation option for students to go green while saving some green.

CityLink has several routes that access higher education institutions in the Peoria area, including:

The cash fare rate for students is $0.50 per ride when presenting a valid school ID. However, the 30-Day Pass provides a great option for local commuter students to get to and from school. The 30-Day Pass is $40 and offers unlimited rides for 30 consecutive service days. Another option is the Day Pass, which is perfect for non-commuter students who may live on the Bradley University or Methodist College campuses without a car and want to explore the Greater Peoria Area on the weekends or get a job off campus. The Day Pass is $3 and offers unlimited rides for a single service day. Additional discounts on passes for students may be available through the individual college or university. Students are encouraged to check with their school regarding discounts.

The Semester Pass, which was previously available for Illinois Central College students, is no longer available.

The 30-Day Pass and Day Pass are available for students to purchase in Enrollment Services at both ICC campus locations. The 30-Day Pass and Day Pass are also available for students to purchase at Bradley University at the cashier’s window in the Controller’s Officer located in Swords Hall.

To learn about the rules and regulations for purchasing bus passes at each individual school, please call 309-694-5422 to speak to an ICC representative and 309-677-3117 to speak to a Bradley University representative.

The 30-Day Pass and Day Pass are always available for purchase at the CityLink Transit Center, located at 407 SW Adams Street, and the CityLink Administrative Offices, located at 2105 NE Jefferson Avenue. Route and Schedule information is available online and on smart phone devices at www.ridecitylink.org, by using Google Maps, downloading the myStop app or by calling CityLink Customer Service at 676-4040.

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