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Passenger Link – April 2023

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Peoria Riverfront Museum Free Entry Opportunity in April

CityLink and the Peoria Riverfront Museum are partnering for the month of April to offer a free entry opportunity for CityLink, CityLift, and CountyLink passengers who present a bus pass or ticket for one of these services. Passengers simply show their bus pass/ticket at the museum’s admission desk to gain free general entry to the museum and its special exhibits in April. One bus pass/ticket is required per adult.

Below is the list of accepted bus passes/tickets:

  • CityLink Day Pass – $3 per pass
    Offers unlimited fixed route rides for one complete service day
  • CityLink 30-Day Pass – $40 per pass
    Offers unlimited fixed route rides for 30 consecutive service days
  • CityLift Ticket – $2 per ticket
    Offers one ride on the paratransit service and this service requires eligibility to ride
  • CountyLink/CAUSE Ticket – $6 per ticket
    Offers one ride on the rural transportation service and this service requires that a trip begins or ends in the rural part of Peoria County

Current admission rates for the Peoria Riverfront Museum are $15 for adults, $13 for Seniors 60+ and Students with ID, and $11 for Youth aged 3-17 years. The Peoria Riverfront Museum is open on Sundays from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Monday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For information on the museum, please call 309-686-7000 or visit www.peoriariverfrontmuseum.org.

CityLink and the Peoria Riverfront Museum are planning to partner again in December for a similar free entry opportunity. There will also be a free entry opportunity for CityLink, CityLift and CountyLink passengers at the Peoria Zoo in August and at the Caterpillar Visitor Center in October. More information on these partnerships will be shared later in the year.

The Peoria Riverfront Museum is located at 222 SW Washington St, Peoria, IL 61602. It a short five-minute walk from the CityLink Transit Center, located at 407 SW Adams, and there is close access to the museum on the #2 North Adams and #4 Sheridan CityLink fixed routes. For questions regarding CityLink, CityLift or CountyLink services, please call 309-676-4040 or visit www.ridecitylink.org.

Jerome Lilly Passenger Appreciation Day 2023

Jerome Lilly

CityLink is celebrating its Passenger Appreciation Day on Wednesday April 20, 2022 to honor Jerome Lilly by providing free rides to passengers all day on all CityLink fixed routes, CityLift paratransit vehicles, and CountyLink rural transportation vehicles. This is the 13th annual celebration of Jerome Lilly Passenger Appreciation Day, and the inaugural inclusion of CityLift and CountyLink passengers.

Lilly, a beloved General Manager of CityLink, passed away unexpectedly in 2007. Passenger Appreciation Day is observed on April 20 (or a nearby date if it falls on a weekend) in honor of Lilly’s birthday anniversary. He began his career at CityLink as a bus operator in 1986 and worked his way up to supervisor and Assistant General Manager, and then eventually to General Manager. Lilly had been employed at CityLink for over 19 years at the time of his passing. April 20 was chosen as the date for Passenger Appreciation Day because it was Lilly’s birthday.

The downtown CityLink Transit Center was dedicated in Jerome Lilly’s honor on April 19, 2009.

Washington CityLift Extended for Ages 18 to 59

GPMTD has extended the six-month pilot paratransit service in the City of Washington for their underserved urban area effective on February 1, 2023. The City of Washington was approved to continue funding this project, and it is also partially being funded by section 5310 Transportation Assistance Grant Program from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant that is funneled through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and allocated and dispersed by the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (TCRPC). The funds from the previous six-month pilot were not exhausted, which allowed for the extension of service. CityLift will continue to operate this service for individuals aged 18 to 59 based on their mobility challenges and disability. Similar service for persons aged 60 and older is available through the Central Illinois Agency on Aging, and they can be reached at 309-674-2071.

Individuals needing this service are required to complete and submit a simple two-page application to Washington Township that requires a medical professional to sign off verifying their handicap and need for paratransit service.

This pilot paratransit service will be evaluated to determine the feasibility and demand to continue providing the service. To find out more information about Washington, Illinois CityLift service including rates and availability, please visit www.ci.washington.il.us, www.toi.org/township/tazewell-county-washington or www.facebook.com/CityofWashingtonIL. Information is also available on the CityLink website at www.ridecitylink.org/about/citylift/washington-service.

CityLink Receives Grant from IDOT

CityLink was recently awarded a $5.3 million grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) as part of Governor J.B. Pritzker’s Rebuild Illinois Capital Program, which provides capital grants to downstate public transit agencies. This grant money will be used towards the replacement of aging buses in the CityLink fixed route fleet.

CityLink’s current active fleet includes forty-four (44) Gillig 35-foot low-floor diesel-powered buses, four (4) New Flyer 40-foot diesel-electric hybrid buses and three (3) Proterra Catalyst® 35-foot battery-electric buses. The buses scheduled for replacement are the Gillig low-floor diesel-powered buses.

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