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CityLink Transit Center Solar Panel Installation Project Update – May 2022

Aerial site plan of the Transit Center canopy roof showing where the solar panels will be placed.

Back in September 2020, the CityLink Transit Center was selected by the Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) Program for the 2020-2021 program year in the Non-Profit/Public Facilities sub-program.  The Transit Center roof was the only project selected by ILSFA in the Peoria area, and CityLink GM Doug Roelfs had this to say:

“We are pleased the Downtown Peoria Transit Center roof has been selected by the Illinois Solar for All Program for the 2020-2021 program year.  This project will provide us with long-term energy savings for a facility that is the hub of our bus routes and serves an annual ridership of over 2.2 million.”

Doug Roelfs

What is Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA)?

The Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) program provides greater access to the clean energy economy and solar energy to low-income households, non-profit organizations, and public facilities across the state through incentives that help make solar installations more affordable. The ILSFA Non-Profit and Public Facilities sub-program provides incentives for properties occupied by non-profit organizations and public facilities located in low-income or Environmental Justice Communities.

CityLink partnered on this project with Hawk-Attollo, LLC, a local solar development partner, and Central Road Energy, LLC, the approved vendor.  Since being selected, CityLink has worked with its partners to make repairs and prepare the canopy roof for the solar panels to be installed.  In April 2022, Roy Keith Electric began racking installation.  This month the racking was completed, wiring started, and modules are being set on one of the arrays.  There will be 641 panels over three arrays!  The estimated final completion date of this project is August.

We will share more information and photos of this project as it progresses this summer. Photos provided are courtesy Roy Keith Electric and Hawk-Attollo, LLC.

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