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Solicitations and Opportunities

As of February 1, 2023, the Greater Peoria Mass Transit District has transitioned to the use of BidNet Direct’s Illinois Purchasing Group for soliciting bids and proposals from vendors in order to provide a convenient online process.

BidNet Direct

To participate in contracting opportunities with Greater Peoria Mass Transit District, you must be registered with BidNet Direct.  Go directly to: BidNet Direct to register.

Registration is simple and there is no charge to register. Simply follow the registration path and select the “Limited Access” option, which will provide you with matching bid notifications and alerts when the Greater Peoria Mass Transit District posts a solicitation. Registration Instructional Guide: BidNet Direct Registration Guide

If you need any assistance registering or using the platform, please call BidNet’s Support Team at 1-800-835-4603.

Contact Us

To contact someone in the Procurement Department

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